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Marketing vs Advertising

Marketing vs Advertising

Marketing vs Advertising

In this world full of advertisements, on average every person sees 25,000 advertisements per day. There are advertisements everywhere, such as streets, toilets, books, public transportation, and others. Currently the usual method of making advertisements would not be effective and it tends to be in vain. How do you make an ad so different and can hit the potential customers? In other words, these ads are different from other ads.


In this discussion, we will discuss the differences between Marketing and Advertising.  The differences and their explanations, whether they need to be shared, and the appropriate and effective ways of implementing business and business advertisements.



techniques for promoting


Advertising is an announcement, information or persuasive and non-persuasive message, usually done publicly and non-personally by the sponsor or an advertising company. It can also be interpreted as a form of presentation / explanation or non-personal and personal promotion conducted by a company or business entity on its products, which are intended especially for all customers or prospective customers.

Advertising aims to get maximum results from the attention of prospective customers. Effective advertising will produce optimal results such as business products being known by prospective customers and of course increasing sales and brand products starts to be known.



Marketing is a systematic planning, implementation, and arrangement by a specific corporate or company regarding the business activities carried out, which has the main objective to unite and connect buyers and sellers involved in business relations with the company.

In Marketing a long process and strategic steps are required for the process of business, as the business is running, marketing will always accompany it. And the strategic steps will also change according to the current market, so marketing will also adjust the varied and innovative strategies for companies to market their products effectively.



Actually, advertising is a part in marketing, where advertising is a part that covers the activity of deliver messages relating to the marketing of businesses, products, or services offered by companies. Also includes the process of developing future strategies such as placement, frequency of screenings, and so forth.

The parable to distinguish Advertising and Marketing is marketing as a large, shady tree while advertising is a branch. In the marketing process there is not only advertising, but also there are other important parts indeed.

Marketing is a long process that takes time and requires research and implementation of the right marketing plan in order to be effective. In other word, Marketing is everything that a company does to facilitate interactions that occur and will occur between the company and its products with customers or prospective customers on a regular basis.


Do you need a marketing plan?

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