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Benefits Of Responsive Website

Benefits Of Responsive Website

In the digital era, smartphone and tablet users are a lot from various types of gadget. It is undeniable that visitors to your website today are not just from the PC / computer or laptop platforms, but also from smartphones and tablets. Because, smartphone users are increasing rapidly, this is the right time for Jakarta digital agencies to create responsive websites.

What is responsive web design? Responsive web design is a website design that allows the display / displaying of the website to adjust the type of gadget / platform that is used when accessing the website, so that when the website is opened and accessed via a smartphone, the layout will change because it is influenced by width of the platform, and of course it will always adjust automatically for any platform / gadget differences that open it.



responsive web design



With responsive web design, we certainly can get a lot of benefits and advantages. Some we will explain as follows:


1. Suggested by Google Search Machine

Google as the largest search engine currently also highly recommends responsive web design. Not only recommending responsive web, but with the benefits of its performance, it can facilitate our website users when accessed on the smartphone platform.


2. No Need to Create a Dual Web Mobile Version

With this responsive web design, your website must be able to adjust to the type of gadget platform used to access it. So, we as web owners do not have to bother anymore to design a mobile version of the website from scratch or multiple websites.

3. Minimize Bounce Rate

If you use responsive web design, your website visitors will feel comfortable when accessing your content. For old websites that not responsive even though the search engine is ranked at the top, certainly for smartphone users is not effective. And for smartphone’s users who only scrolling to the left/right, up/down, they will leave the site immediately.

4. Traffic Will Increase Rapidly

The Development of technology today and the explosion of smartphone users, shows that using a responsive web design is necessary. With this responsive design, the visitors who use a smartphone will increase rather than the non-responsive design.


5. Easy to Upgrade a Website

If you want to upgrade / improve your website, of course you don’t need to worry and work twice. It’s really different with the dual website that uses two desktop and mobile versions, they will improve two websites at the same time, of course this will take up your time and money, right?



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