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If you like to talk about increasing sales & brand awareness, drop a line.
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Social Media Questionnaire

Before the project begins the client is required to provide knowledge about the product and business knowledge to Levelon Digital social media team.

1 Contact Information
2 Business Information
3 Social Media Detail

Company Nameyour full name
Your Nameyour full name
Addressyour home / office
Postal code
What is your purpose on social media?more details
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Describe your target audience. Who are they?more details
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What social platforms do they use?more details
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What issues matter to them?more details
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How does your brand engage them?more details
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Can you name a few social media influencers they followmore details
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What social listening have you done? What does your audience say about you?more details
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Who else (brands/celebrities/people) does your audience engage with?more details
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What tone should social media updates have?more details
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What is the main message your brand is trying to communicate?more details
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What makes your brand different from others?more details
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Why do people choose you over your competitors?more details
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What resources do you have available for content creation?more details
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What is your workflow process for content from inception to publication?more details
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How often do you want to publish new content to your profiles?more details
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What type of content does your audience respond to best (if known)?more details
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What type of content do you want to create for your audience (images, video, quotes, blog posts, etc.)?more details
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What message are you trying to send with your content?more details
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What profiles do you have and on which networks?more details
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Do you want to provide customer service on social media? If so, on which platform and from which profile?more details
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What tools have you used to manage your social media profiles until now?more details
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What is working for you (and not working) right now?more details
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That’s all we need for now! Thanks for taking time to fill this in - we’ll be in touch with a quotation shortly.
